>>>> "e no easy eeehhh"
>>>> "whether e good or bad..."
just listening to the P- square song and really feeling it... sorta..
Truth be told, i've got a lot of respect for the music industry in Naija.
When the Established Foundation collapsed in the late 80's and everyone had to fend for themselves, one would have thought it would take a decisive government intervention to help salvage the artist from the greed of Pirates.
well we all know how long that would have taken (vision 2020 bawo?).
Well fast forward to the year 2010... its getting bigger and bigger... i mean, even the guys with no form of talent get to go abroad to shoot videos... *smh
though it says a lot of the musical preferences of the present consumer demography it still sheds a positive light on how much we're encouraging musical creativity, no matter how shallow it can sometimes be.
As for me i'm glad its in my time that this is all happening...
And through Thank God its First Friday, fans have the opportunity to see artist for free and more up close and personal than it can ever be here in Abuja.
I'm proud i'm a part of such a big thing like this. over the past five months we've seen this event grow from something attracting as much as 45 people to a such a crowd puller, we've had to close the gates....
I sure hope Thank God its First Friday becomes something bigger than we ever dreamed of.
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